In the fitness community, one name has stood out above all others for the last ~70 years. That name is Vince Gironda. I have an article dedicated to Vince Gironda if you'd like to learn more about the Iron Guru himself. While we're not here to learn about Vince, the egg shake is something that has derived from his personal diet.
The Original Recipe
- 12 raw eggs
- 12 ounces cream (half & half)
- 1/3 cup protein powder
- 1 banana
Nutrient Breakdown - protein / carb / fat
- Eggs
- 880 calories - 75g / 5g / 60g
- Cream
- 470 calories - 10g / 15g / 40g
- Protein Powder
- 100 calories - 22g / 2g / 0g
- Banana
- 110 calories - 2g / 27g / 0g
- Total
- 1560 calories - 109g / 50g / 100g
Type of Egg
The most effective egg to use is the fertilized egg as fertilized eggs contain a certain amount of bound and free testosterone that is more potent at building muscle. Free testosterone is a factor for muscle building. Simply put, the more free testosterone you have in your body, the more muscle you can build.
How to scale back
You can easily half the quantities of everything added and just end up with less overall. The consistency is best when all quantities are kept in the same ratio, but you can experiment with different eggs like those from a carton for a similar experience. Egg whites, however, give you a much less creamy result.
You can really go crazy here with adding all sorts of stuff, but if you want to stay true to the egg shake without veering too far off, try some of these:
- skim milk to replace cream
- blueberries / strawberries
- honey
- peanut butter / PB2
Vince's Use
Vince used this drink as a pick-me-up and would have this 12 egg variation 3 times per day between meals. The purpose of this 36 egg diet is to increase lean muscle mass very quickly and when mixed with Vince's training, muscle growth is an obvious outcome.
This egg shake is probably the closest you could get to taking steroids. Vince himself claimed that eating 36 eggs a day was equivalent to a mild cycle of Dianabol. Dianabol (D-bol for short) was the steroid of choice for bodybuilders during the 60’s and 70’s. However, while eggs are one of the most anabolic foods you can eat, they are far from steroids.
You can wash your eggs if you'd like. Ultimately, it's not really my business what you do with your eggs, but if you can get down all your eggs and dodge a food-borne illness then you, my friend, are on the fast track to being huge.